Saturday, 11 April 2009

Dual person Lightpainting, Isle of Skye

As well as our model/photographer collaborative work Chrissie and I also dabble with joint photographic projects, which fits in well with Chrissies other interest, photography, something I am keen to explore with her. Both of these images are difficult to get right, having two lighting at once is interesting and in some cases makes something that is pretty much impossible to do alone within the reach of possibility.

Waterfall: Colourfall.

Waterfall: Colourfall

This waterfall is situated on the route from between Broadford and Portree, fairly accessible even if poor light and looked like a good subject for a lightpainting.
We used two large torches and a tripod mounted camera with a remote shutter release and the camera set to a bulb.
We were positioned either side of the camera for the “paint”.
Chrissie with a 2 million candle power torch, on the foreground rocks, water, right mid ground rocks, water and right-hand side rock face.
Myself, with a 10 million candle power torch, on the waterfall, tree, left mid ground rocks, water and the left-hand side rock face.
Exposure, approximately 2 minuets.

Cill Chriosd ruin, Isle of Skye: The Haunted.

Cill Chriosd ruin, Isle of Skye: The Haunted

This ruin is just outside Broadford, a place that I have visited and photographed before, it has been shot quite extensively so I wanted to make it a little different.
For this we used one large torch and two flashguns with gel coloured flash.
Chrissie went inside the ruin to fire coloured flash to create some interesting light effects.
Myself, with a 2 million candle power torch, from just behind left of camera and then far right of camera for dual directional light and shadows
Exposure, approximately 2 minuets.

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